Note to Self (Oct. 2014)


The quickest way to return to the light is through your total surrender of control. You have allowed so many others to lead you in this life and so you have followed them, some blindly, and some with eyes wide open. Dedicated to your desire to be anything, but alone, and furthermore, to gain as much wisdom, love, and understanding for our existence as uniquely possible. You have experienced so much in such a short time here in this incarnation — positive and negative– that many others may never dream or think of. To let this hinder you keeps you from fulfilling the true purpose God has designed you for. You are meant to be a leader, you are no longer to be led. Your fears of an isolated existence are primitive to the truth which you’ve been exposed. You know this, you can live this. And so, what good will it do for you to stay in that misery, blind and afraid when you know your purpose here is far greater than the pain you have allowed to consume you. Your task is not to seek anything from this world, but from that which lies beyond it — that which you know and have touched. You have always known you are here to Heal, that others wait for you to let go of your ‘humanness’ and open your eyes to the truth you have eagerly sought after. You have to trust yourself most importantly and the ones who have called you to be more. They are not trying to hurt you, but the greatest lesson in growth exists in overcoming pain. From them you are not separate, the sages, the guides, angels, spirits, totems and energies surrounding. You know this. You have to trust this or the mission will have been for nothing. You’re not here for you — you are here to teach, to guide and inspire love and loving action. Never allow another to tell YOU who you are. You know who you are and why you are here. Don’t shy from the truths that have been revealed to you. Utilize them for the betterment of this world. Be Reborn.

Return back to your self. No one else can heal you, but you. You have always known the way, in your heart and its begging for you to have a real chance to change the next chapter of your journey. What you’ve always craved and wanted to be a living reality in this world is Here, Presently – Now. In each second, withheld in every breath that flows through you and beyond your lips. Take it and run wild with it. Never stop.

How will you let fear hold you now?

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